As a third-generation calligrapher, I started learning “sho-do” (Japanese calligraphy) at the age of five. Since then, I have never forgotten the essential teachings about “shu (守) – ha (破) - ri (離)”.
I first practiced simple strokes and fundamental techniques for long years during the “shu” stage, learning the basics faithfully, protecting and respecting what has been passed down from ancient times. Then I stepped into the next stage of “ha” and broke with the traditions and teachings I had mastered. I made tremendous efforts afterwards to find and establish my original way in reaching the last stage of “ri”. Having built a solid foundation of traditional techniques and knowledge, and then making efforts to break with, I feel I could transcend all of them comprehensively. That is why now I am able to create, write and draw my works of calligraphy spontaneously without thinking. My own style of calligraphy, sometimes with poems and drawings, was established to this end.
I believe the figures of letters were formed and invented in order to communicate the minds of people beyond space and time. My aim as a calligrapher is to express and identify with the original pure heart of our ancestors, and to bring beautiful letters to life in this world we live in today.
I hope you enjoy my works, and I would be very happy if you could feel something from the letters, poems and drawings that I create.
1988 |
1989 |
- 毎日女流展審査員に就任
- ドキュメント”今を生きる女”(NHK)出演により大分県知事 平松守彦氏より「紅花一輪」のキャッチフレーズをいただく。
1992 |
- 誉酒造壁面(50m)創作 <群馬県>
- 成田空港ロビーに「般若心経」(7m)展示
1993 |
1994 |
- サンスクリット文字研究のためインドへ
- モンゴル文字研究のためモンゴルへ
- ネパール展(文化交流基金 ネパール日本大使館 Nepal-Japan Students & Trainees Clubによる後援)
1995 |
1996 |
- イスラエル・ハイファ公演(ティコティン日本美術館)
- アメリカ・ロサンゼルス公演 「書と宗教の共演」
1997 |
- アメリカ・パールハーバー、アリゾナメモリアル公演
- 富士山 5合目にて「喜多郎」のシンセサイザー、「山内強嗣」の和太鼓共演
- 日米市長会議合同日米商工会議所会頭会議 「翔夢」制作(10m×4m)
1998 |
- 「長野オリンピック協力団」看板揮毫
- 伊勢神宮 内宮・外宮・月讀宮 アート「神」奉納
- 橿原神宮 アート「元」奉納
- 心の癒し研究所 設立(群馬県高山村ロックハート城)
1999 |
- 明治神宮 アート「天」奉納
- 国連・UNDOF事業 JAPACON DAYイベント <イスラエル・ゴラン高原>
2000 |
2001 |
- 個展/山シリーズ「Part I」 <銀座>
- 個展/「積土成山、そして翔夢」 <長島美術館及び国分シビックセンター 鹿児島県>
2002 |
- 個展/「空の世界 〜墨MANDALA〜」 <浅草Gallery èf>
- 個展/山シリーズ「聞こえますか」 <群馬県立土屋文明文学館>
2003 |
- 個展/山シリーズ「天から降りた滴」 <静岡県沼津市>
- 個展/空シリーズ「墨・MANDALA」弘法大師入唐1200年記念 <鹿児島県・峰浄寺>
2004 |
- 自衛隊「イラク復興支援」「サマーワ宿営地」看板揮毫
- 個展/「デザイン・コンポジション」 <東京・銀座>
2005 |
- 個展/海シリーズ「海翔〜やがて、海の聲が聞こえてくる〜」 <横須賀市・記念艦三笠>
2006 |
- 個展/墨アート「暁光」 <赤坂・鏡花>
- 個展/墨アート展「宙響(ひびく)山海空の詩」 <銀座・松坂屋>
2007 |
- 個展/「宙響」イオン三光 <大分県中津市>
- ペルー マチュピチュにて制作
- 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス13周年記念イベント出演
- 京都貴船神社能楽堂 「龍船閣」奉納
2008 |
- テレビ東京「開運なんでも鑑定団」出演
- 個展/「新春展—風吹き天光る—」 <銀座・ギャラリー心美>
- ニュージーランドにて制作
- グアムにて制作
2009 |
- オーストラリアにて制作
- 個展/「KAZAMICHI風道 山海風の詩」 <銀座・松屋>
- 八ヶ岳アウトレットモール内 柏木白光墨アート「ギャラリー光」オープン
2010 |
- 二人展/「流動」柏木白光・畑辺博子(陶芸家) <銀座・大黒屋ギャラリー>
2011 |
- 美智子皇后陛下御歌揮毫 <沖縄県・護国神社>
- 東日本大震災復興プロジェクト「命煌(いのちきらめく)」設立
- 個展/「東日本大震災復興プロジェクト 命煌」<銀座・ギャラリー林>
2012 |
- ジャパンフェスティバル出演 <ニュージーランド・ウェリントン>
- 震災復興ワークショップ開催 <ニュージーランド・クライストチャーチ>
2013 |
- 第11回翔夢 <宮城県塩竈市 塩竃神社にて展示>
- BS朝日「いのちを語る」出演
2014 |
- 個展/墨アート展「天と地 ~熊野へ捧げる書巡礼~」<新宿・京王百貨店>
2015 |
- 個展/墨アート展「天と地 ~伊勢から熊野へ書巡礼~(三重県展)」<三重県伊勢市・伊勢市観光文化会館>
- 個展/墨アート展「天と地 ~伊勢から熊野へ書巡礼~(和歌山県展)」<和歌山県田辺市・熊野本宮館>
- 音楽劇「陰陽師鉄輪恋愛輪舞曲(かなわぬこいおにの ロンド)」出演<東京都板橋区・武王山安養院>
- 武王山安養院瑠璃光堂「薬師瑠璃光如来本願功徳経」金字8000文字奉納
2016 |
- 個展/墨アート展「天と地 ~伊勢から熊野へ書巡礼 柏木白光展~」<東京日本橋・三重テラス>
- 大和神社(奈良県天理市)「大和」奉納
- 広峯神社(兵庫県姫路市)作品奉納
- 個展/墨アート展「聖地書巡礼 天と地 書家 柏木白光展」<東京都文京区・護国寺>
2017 |
- 復興支援コンサート「「忘れない福島 命煌(いのちきらめく)」出演。水谷修、泉谷しげる、宇崎竜童、阿木燿子、さだまさし、三宝会と共演 <福島県郡山市・郡山市文化センター>
2018 |
- 個展/墨アート展「惠百福 たくさんのしあわせ」 <長崎市・ピースミュージアム>
- 熊野本宮大社、熊野速玉大社、熊野那智大社に「円座石(わろうだいし)」を奉納
- 熊野本宮大社(和歌山県田辺市)「八咫の火祭り」で「斎魂」を揮毫
- 第20回「日本の心」国際音楽フェスティバル「陰陽師鉄輪恋愛輪舞曲」ロシア公演に出演 <モスクワ・ラフマニノフホール>
- 国際交流基金の協力でモスクワ市民を対象とした書道体験のワークショップを開催 <モスクワ>
2019 |
- 個展/墨アート展「神々のほほえみ 海と山と空と」 <三重県伊勢市・賓日館>
- 個展/墨アート展「書家 柏木白光 世界の聖地を巡る」 <大阪・阪急うめだ本店 阪急うめだギャラリー>
2020 |
- 四国水族館の特別展示「龍宮の景」で四国にまつわる神々と四国八十八ヶ所霊場をテーマにした書の世界を創作 <香川県宇多津町>
2021 |
- ロックハート城に常設の展示スペースを開設 <群馬県高山村>
- 高千穂神社の境内案内板を揮毫 <宮崎県高千穂町>
2022 |
- 沖縄県立博物館・美術館で開催の展覧会「悠久のシルクロード展~古代エジプトからアジア、そして日本へと繋がる歴史と文化の道~」の題字を揮毫 <沖縄県那覇市>
- 伊勢修養団道場の看板を揮毫 <三重県伊勢市>
- 春⽇⼤社での制作を最後に、12年間に及ぶ「天と地」シリーズの制作を完了
2023 |
- 個展「天と地 熊野古道をめぐる書巡礼」〈三重県伊勢市・賓日館〉
- 作品集「天と地 熊野古道をめぐる書巡礼」(冨山房インターナショナル) を出版
- 賓日館(国指定重要文化財)〈三重県伊勢市〉正門の看板を揮毫
- 那智山青岸渡寺〈和歌山県那智勝浦町〉 行者堂の扁額(看板)を揮毫
- Born in Nakatsu City, Oita prefecture
1988 |
- Awarded the Grand prix at The Ladies' Exhibition sponsored by the Mainichi Newspaper
1989 |
- Was elected to a judge for The Ladies' Exhibition sponsored by the Mainichi Newspaper.
- Appeared in a TV documentary program of NHK's "Network"series, "Females who live for today" and was given the nickname, "Benihana Ichirin"(Single Safflower), by Morihiko Hiramatsu, the then Governor of Oita prefecture
1992 |
- Painted the 50-meter long wall of the sake warehouse belonging to Homare Shuzo sake brewing company in Gunma prefecture
- Wrote "Hannya-Shinkyo", a sutra, on a 7-meter high screen to be displayed at the lobby of Narita Airport
1993 |
- Visited Nepal to study Sanskrit
1994 |
- Visited India to study Sanskrit
- Visited Mongolia to study Mongolian script
- Held an exhibition in Nepalese; supported by Nepalese Embassy, and financed by international exchange fund
1995 |
- Held a show at French National Opera Theater
1996 |
- Held a show at Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa, Israel
- Held a show in Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Received a letter of thanks from the Mayor of Los Angeles.) Gave the performance entitles the 1st SHOWMU (to soar dream) in Los Angeles, taking up "Collaboration by Calligraphy and Religion” as a subject, in cooperation with various kinds of religious groups
Sponsored by Nippon Foundation, SAGAWA EXPRESS CO.,LTD., Gekkeikan Sake Company, Ltd.
1997 |
- Held a memorial performance at the Pearl harbor Arizona Memorial in Hawaii.
- Held a joint concert with Kitaro, to perform synthesizer (Grammy winner), calligraphy and Japanese drums at the fifth station of Mt. Fuji
- Created a 10 meter ×4 meter theme calligraphy. SHOWMU for the opening ceremony for the Japan - U.S. Mayors' Conference and the Presidents' Conference and Industry. (Received a letter of thanks from the Mayor of Honolulu)
1998 |
- Made signboards for the Olympic collaborators group in Nagano
- Dedicated a calligraphy art "KAMI (god)" to the god of Inner and Outer shrine of Grand Shrine of Ise
- Dedicated a calligraphy art "GEN (origin)" to the god of Kashiwara Shrine.
- Established “Healing Hearts Organization (HHO) at LOCK HEART Castle, Takayama-mura, Gunma
1999 |
- Dedicated a calligraphy art "TEN (heaven)" to the god of Meiji Shrine
- Held a performance at JAPCON DAY event (United Nations' UNDOF undertaking) in Golan plateau
2000 |
- Dedicated a calligraphy art "SEI (saint) SHOW (to soar)" to the god of Yasikuni shrine
2001 |
- Solo exhibition "Mountain" at Ginza, Tokyo
- Solo exhibition "Sekido Seizan and Hisho" at Nagashima Museum, Kagoshima prefecture
2002 |
- Solo exhibition "The world of Ku (sky and nothing)" at Gallery ef, Tokyo
- Solo exhibition "Can you hear?" at Tsuchiya-Bunmei Memorial Museum, Gunma prefecture
2003 |
- Solo exhibition "Sumi MANDARA exhibition" memorial event for Koboudaishi visiting China since 1200 years, at Hojo temple, Kagoshima
2004 |
- Made signboards for The camp in the Samawa and The lraq’s econstruction support of Japan Self-Defense Forces
- Solo exhibition "Design Composition" at Seifudo Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo
2005 |
- Solo exhibition "Kaisho" at Memorial ship Mikasa, Yokosuka, Kanagawa
2006 |
- Solo exhibition "Gyoko" at Akasaka, Tokyo
- Solo exhibition "HIbiku" at Ginza Matsuzakaya, Tokyo
2007 |
- Solo exhibition "Hibiku" at Nakatsu, Oita prefecture
- Created at Machu Picchu in Peru
- Held a performance at Ebisu Garden Place 13th anniversary, Tokyo
- Dedicated a calligraphy art "Ryusenkaku" to the god of Kibune shrine in Kyoto
2008 |
- Take part in TV Program “Nandemo Kanteidan”
- Solo exhibition “The Wind Blow, The Sky Shine” at Gallary Shinbi, Tokyo
- Created at Lake of Dekapo in NewZealand
- Created in Guam
2009 |
- Created in Australia
- Solo exhibition “Kazamichi” at Matsuya, Tokyo
- Established “Gallery Hikari” in Yatsugatake, Yamanashi prefecture
2010 |
- Joint exhibition “Ryudo” at Daikokuya Gallery, Tokyo
2011 |
- Wrote a poetry read by Empress Michiko, and dedicated to Gokoku Shrine, Okinawa Prefecture
- Established the Great East Japan Earthquake recovery project “INOCHI KIRAMEKU (Life shinning)”
- Personal exhibition “the Great East Japan Earthquake recovery project Inochi Kirameku” held at Gallery Hayashi, Ginza, Tokyo
2012 |
- Participated “Kia Kaha! Japan Festival of Wellington 2012” in New Zealand
- Taught calligraphy at elementary and junior high school in Wellington and Christchurch, New Zealand
2013 |
- Held the eleventh exhibition “SHOWMU” in Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture
- Appeared in TV program of BS Asahi, “INOCHI WO KATARU (Talking about life)”
2014 |
- Solo exhibition “TEN TO CHI (Heaven and the earth) -a calligraphic pilgrim dedicated to Kumano” held at Keio Department Store, Shinjuku, Tokyo
2015 |
- Solo exhibition “TEN TO CHI (Heaven and the earth) -a calligraphic pilgrim from Ise to Kumano in Mie” held at Ise Bunka Kaikan, Ise city, Mie prefecture
- Solo exhibition “TEN TO CHI (Heaven and the earth) - a calligraphic pilgrim from Ise to Kumano in Wakayama” held at Kumano Hongu Heritage Center, Tanabe city, Wakayama prefecture
- Appeared in a musical “ONMYOJI, KANAWANU KOI ONI NO RONDO (Master of Yin Yang, a rondo of hopeless love demon)” at Buouzan, Anyouin temple, Tokyo
- Dedicated a calligraphy art work “YAKUSHI RURIKOU NYORAI HONGAN KUDOKUKYO” , 6,000 words written in gold, to Buouzan, Anyouin temple, Rurikoudou, Tokyo
2016 |
- Solo exhibition “TEN TO CHI (Heaven and the earth) -a calligraphic pilgrim from Ise to Kumano, Byakko Kashiwagi exhibition” held at Mie Terrace, Nihonbashi, Tokyo
- Dedicated a calligraphy art work “YAMATO”, to Yamato Jinja Shrine, Tenri city, Nara Prefecture
- Dedicated a calligraphy art work, to Hiromine Jinja Shrine, Himeji city, Hyogo Prefecture
- Solo exhibition “TEN TO CHI (Heaven and the earth) -a calligraphic pilgrim to holy places, Byakko Kashiwagi calligraphy exhibition” at held Gokokuji Temple, Tokyo
2017 |
- Appeared in a music concert for reconstruction support “Never forget Fukushima, INOCHI KIRAMEKU (Life shinning)”, performed with Osamu Mizutani, Shigeru Izumiya, Ryudo Uzaki, Yoko Aki, Masashi Sada, and Sanpo-kai, held at Koriyama Bunka Center, Koriyama city, Fukushima Prefecture
2018 |
- Solo exhibition “KEIHYAKUFUKU (Lots of Happiness)” held at Peace Museum, Nagasaki
- Dedicated a calligraphy art "Waroudaishi" to the god of Kumano Hongu Taisha shrine, Kumano Hayatama Taisha shrine and Kumano Nachi Taisha shrine in Wakayama Prefecture
- Wrote a calligraphy art work “SAIKON” at Yatanohimatsuri (Fire festival of “Yata”) held at Kumano Hongu Taisha, Tanabe city, Wakayama Prefecture
- Appeared in a musical “ONMYOJI, KANAWANU KOI ONI NO RONDO (Master of Yin Yang, a rondo of hopeless love demon)”, invited to the 20th Nihon-no-kokoro International Music Festival, Rachmaninov Hall, Moscow, Russia
- Held a workshop of calligraphy for citizens in Moscow, cooperated by Japan Foundation
2019 |
- Solo exhibition “Smiles of Gods -sea, mountain and sky” held at Hinjitsukan, Ise city, Mie prefecture
- Solo exhibition “Calligrapher Kashiwagi Byakko, -a calligraphic pilgrim to holy places in the world” held at Hankyu Umeda Department Store Gallery, Osaka
2020 |
- Co-created a special exhibition “View of Ryugu A legendary aquascape of Shikoku” at SHIKOKU AQUARIUM, Kagawa Prefecture
2022 |
- Completed creating works of “Ten to Chi (Heaven and Earth)” series, at Kasuga Shrine at Nara city, Nara prefecture
2023 |
- Solo exhibition “Ten to Chi (Heaven and Earth) a calligraphic pilgrim dedicated to Kumano” held at Hinjitsukan, Ise city, Mie prefecture
- Published a collection of works “Ten to Chi (Heaven and Earth) a calligraphic pilgrim dedicated to Kumano” by FUZAMBO International Co.,Ltd.
- Signboard for Hinjitsukan, Ise city, Mie prefecture